“One of the greatest values of mentors is the ability to see ahead what others cannot see and to help them navigate a course to their destination.”

Florence Nightingale
Personalized Guidance
Individualized support and guidance tailored to the needs and goals of each nurse.
Increased Confidence
Having a mentor to rely on can boost a nurse's confidence and self-esteem.
Professional Development
Mentors can offer valuable insights and resources to expand a nurse's professional capabilities.
Networking Opportunities
Connects nurses with a network of experienced professionals in the field.
Career Guidance
Mentors can offer insights into various career options and help nurses align their aspirations with practical steps for success.
Emotional Support
Mentors offer a listening ear, share coping strategies, and provide a safe space for nurses to express their concerns and frustrations.

Sign Up for inFormed Nurses

This is a private community of nursing students, and licensed nurses. To join, please fill out and submit the form below.

Once your account is approved, you will have a 30 day free trial and thereafter the subscription fee is $12 per month. It's free to cancel anytime but we hope you'll stay apart of the inFormed Nurses Family!